獨特 | 道德生產 | 限量的慢時尚
我們崇尚歐美國家對於身材與穿著開放、自由的態度。相較之下,亞洲女性普遍存在著較嚴重的身材焦慮,因此我們希望能透過開放的設計,加上手做的溫度,鼓勵每位女孩們自信、自在地做自己,就像鉤織材質帶來的慵懶自然感那般,每個人都能在生活中發現自己獨特的魅力,並享受每個與自己相處的little moment。
Wear the vibe, BE the vibe!
Unique | Ethical | Limited Slow Fashion
Every crochet design from ZOEANNA is 100% original and independently designed and produced. All the way from pattern studies, fitting, material sourcing to final production. We want to make unique high quality crochet garments scalable and accessible. More importantly, we value sustainability and ethics. Therefore every style is made in limited quantities built to last. WEAR THE VIBE Fashion for us is being comfortable in your own skin, dress for you, for your own moments.